Let Us Help You Beat Cancer

Let’s work together toward good health.

What makes Cancer Care at Michigan Healthcare Professionals different?

Our team of doctors are highly recognized medical professionals with years of experience in cancer treatment. The doctors on staff have the expertise required in treating various types of cancers. Our highly trained medical staff is here for your support and ready to assist your treatment needs.

Clinical Trials

Patient care protocols guided by well-defined clinical trials whenever possible.

Practicing medicine with an eye to containing costs for everyone—the patient and society in general—so that we can provide the most and best care to the greatest possible population of patients.

Containing Costs

Urgent Care

An emphasis on preventive medicine and related wellness programs.

Team Concept

A solid team concept with physician care augmented appropriately by ancillary health care workers.

Quality Assurance

Physician-directed quality assurance and compliance programs.

Oncology Care Model

Overall, helping patients “travel” more smoothly though the health care “maze.”